Internal sawing is performed in the same manner as contour sawing except that the bandsaw blade cannot start cutting from the edge of the workpiece but must start cutting from a drilled hole in the workpiece (Figure 7-20). With the pattern laid out on the workpiece and the starting hole drilled, insert an unwelded bandsaw blade of the proper length through the starting hole. Bring the two ends of the blade together at the butt welder of the bandsawing machine and weld the blade into a continuous band as described in the pertinent operation manual for the machine. Install the bandsaw blade on the sawing machine and make the necessary adjustments to the machine. With the cut starting from the hole as shown in A or B, Figure -20. When the sawing is completed, cut the bandsaw blade so that it can be removed from the workpiece.


   Filing is performed on the vertical band saw machine using a band tile and the band file aattachment. As with sawing, the quality of filing and the economical wear of the band file depend upon proper selection of files and filing speeds for different materials and conditions.

Band Filing Speed

    Band files should be run at relatively slow speeds as compared to speeds used for band sawing. Figure 7-21 lists recommended speeds for band filing. Note that, in general, the slower speeds are used for filing harder metals and faster speeds are used for filing softer metals.

Band Filing Feeds

    Work pressure on the band file should not be excessive. A medium amount of pressure applied against the band file moving at the proper speed will produce curled chips which will not clog the file. Heavy pressure will cause clogging and can cause the file to break or the machine to stall. A light pressures should be used for finish filing, with a slow, sideways motion that will not leave vertical file marks on the workpiece.

Figure 7-21. Band filing speeds.


   Polishing bands and a polishing attachment are provided with the vertical band saw machine so that light polishing can be performed. The polishing bands are intended primarily for removing saw marks on the cut edges of workpieces.

Polishing Speeds

   Move polishing bands at speeds between 75 and 260 FPM, the faster speeds being used for softer materials and the slower speeds being used for harder materials.

 Polishing Feeds

   Feeds should be light for polishing. Use a slow, sideways motion so that the polishing band will leave no marks on the workpiece. If the band does not remove the tool marks quickly, change to a coarser polishing band.

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