Order Your Smithy Parts - ONLINE!

You can now order your Smithy parts online. Parts manuals are located online HERE!

To order parts, type the item number in the "Search Box" located at the top of the website.  If you are using a mobile device, click on the MENU button on the top left of your window. Your search bar is located there.

Read the description of the part and verify the the product SKU number matches the part you are looking for.

For example, if you search for part C30081, you will see a view different parts listed. That search will bring up part C30081, C30081s, and c30081s-1. Click on the item and make sure the SKU matches the part you are trying to order.

Once the correct part is located, simply add it to the cart.

***Please note we will not issue return service labels for incorrectly ordered parts. Returned parts will be subject to a 5% restocking fee!