Old Smithy Machine Identification

 Cutting Threads:  All the feed screws on this machine are in a metric thread pitch. When cutting threads, be sure to use threading chart on the inside of the pulley box door on your AT300. Threading charts you may see in more recent machine manuals are likely different.

Ordering Parts and Machine Operations:  Most parts for this model are still available. Use the Midas 1220 Parts Diagram to find most of the parts for this machine. Also, for basic instructions on standard 3-in-1 operations you can use the current Midas MI-1220 manual. 

Link to Operations Manuals and Parts Diagrams Page



 Cutting Threads:  All the feed screws on this machine are in a metric thread pitch. When cutting threads be sure to use threading chart on the inside of the pulley box door on your AT300. Threading charts you may see in more recent machine manuals are likely different.

Ordering Parts and Machine Operations:  Most parts for this model are still available. Use the Midas 1220 Parts Diagram to find most of the parts for this machine. Also, for basic instructions on standard 3-in-1 operations you can use the current Midas MI-1220 manual. 

Link to Operations Manuals and Parts Diagrams Page



In the middle 2000's the name was changed to the Midas MI-1220

All feed screws in this machine are 10 TPI threads. 

Ordering Parts and Machine Operations:  Most parts for this model are still available. Use the Midas 1220 Parts Diagram to find most of the parts for this machine. Also, for basic instructions on standard 3-in-1 operations you can use the current Midas MI-1220 manual. 

Link to Operations Manuals and Parts Diagrams Page



Cutting Threads:  All the feed screws on this machine are in a metric thread pitch. When cutting threads be sure to use threading chart on the inside of the pulley box door on your CB1220-metric. Threading charts you may see in more recent machine manuals are likely different.

Ordering Parts and Machine Operations:  Most parts for this model are still available. Use the Midas 1220 Parts Diagram to find most of the parts for this machine. Also, for basic instructions on standard 3-in-1 operations you can use the current Midas MI-1220 manual. Please note: The Midas MI-1220 manual is a much better fit for this machine, do not use the Midas MI-1220XL manual. 

Link to Operations Manuals and Parts Diagrams Page 



In the middle 2000's the name was changed to the Midas MI-1220XL

All feed screws in this machine are 10 TPI threads.

Ordering Parts and Machine Operations:  Most parts for this model are still available. Use the Midas 1220 XL Parts Diagram to find most of the parts for this machine. Also, for basic instructions on standard 3-in-1 operations you can use the current Midas MI-1220 XL manual.

Link to Operations Manuals and Parts Diagrams Page  




In 2016, the Midas MI-1230LTD was added to the Smithy machine lineup. It is identical to the MI-1220LTD except the bed is 10 inches longer.  Both the 20 inch and 30 inch versions are currently available.

Ordering Parts and Machine Operations:  All parts for this model are available. Use the Midas 1220 LTD Parts Diagram to find most of the parts for this machine. Also, for basic instructions on standard 3-in-1 operations you can use the current Midas MI-1220 LTD manual.

Link to Operations Manuals and Parts Diagrams Page



 The CB-1239XL looks much like the MI-1220LTD except that it is a much larger machine.  It stands a massive 44” tall and 65 “ long and weighs in at over 1200 pounds.

The CB-1239 XL had powerfeed only on the long feed and all feed screws were a metric pitch.

In the last year of production the color was changed to silver, a power crossfeed was added and the name was changed to the CB-1239LTD. This was a very limited production and the 1239 line was discontinued shortly after.

Ordering Parts and Machine Operations:  Some parts for this model are still available. Use the CB-1239 Parts Diagram to find most of the parts for this machine. Also, for basic instructions on standard 3-in-1 operations use the CB-1239 manual.

Link to Operations Manuals and Parts Diagrams Page



 The Midas-1720 was only in production for about 2 years. It had a 17” swing diameter over the bed of the lathe.

Ordering Parts and Machine Operations:  Some parts for this model are still available. Use the MI-1720 Parts Diagram to find most of the parts for this machine. Also, for basic instructions on standard 3-in-1 operations use the MI-1720 manual.

Link to Operations Manuals and Parts Diagrams Page



The Granite 1300 series machines came into existence in 1999. The first ones were blue in color. The color was changed to a dark gray shortly thereafter. The first ones also did not have the round feed handle that you see in the picture above.

The machine pictured is a GN-1324 Classic. 

It has a round brush type motor DC variable speed motor.

The Granite series has been expanded to a give the options of a 40inch bed or a 24 inch shown above.

The Granite MX and IMX were introduced to provide increased horse power and constant torque brushless DC servo type motor and an extended mill head. The new motor is square in shape. 

The current line of the Granite machines are available to view on our website.

Ordering Parts and Machine Operations:  All parts for this model are available. Use the Granite Parts Diagram to find most of the parts for this machine. Also, for basic instructions on standard 3-in-1 operations you can use the current Granite manual. 

Link to Operations Manuals and Parts Diagrams Page