The revolving vertical spindle of the drilling machine holds and drives the cutting tool. In order to use various sizes and shapes of drills in various machines three types of drill holding devices, which fit the spindle of the drilling machines, are used: the geared drill chuck, the drill sleeve, and the drill socket (Figure 6-22). The larger drilling machines have a spindle that has a standard Morse taper at the bottom end. There are three types of drill holding devices: the geared drill chuck, the drill sleeve, and the drill socket.


    Drills with straight shanks are held in geared drill chucks which have three adjustable jaws to clamp onto the drill. Smaller size drills are made with straight shanks because of the extra cost of providing these sizes if tapered. Geared drill chucks come in various sizes, with the 3/8 or 1/2-inch capacity chuck being the most common. The shank of the chuck is set into the spindle of the drilling machine by inserting the chuck's shank into the spindle's internal taper and seating the shank into the taper with a light blow with a soft hammer. Both the internal and external taper surfaces must be clean and free of chips for the shank to seat and lock properly. The drill is locked into the chuck by using the chuck key to simultaneously tighten the three chuck jaws. Geared drill chucks can also come with a morse tapered shank and may have a different method of attaching They may screw on, have a Jarno taper, or a Jacob's back taper.


    Morse taper shank drills come in several sizes, thus, adapters must be used for mounting them into various drilling machine spindles. Drill sleeves and drill sockets are designed to add to or subtract from the Morse taper for fitting a drill into the chuck spindle. For example, it is common for a 3/4 inch twist drill to have a Morse taper of size #2, #3, or #4. It is also common for a drilling machine spindle to have a Morse taper of size #3 or #4, and it can be adapted for many other Morse taper sizes, depending on the size of the drill.

   A drill too small for the machine spindle may be fitted into a socket or sleeve which has a taper hole of the proper size to hold the drill and a taper shank of the proper size to fit the drill spindle. Sometimes, more than one socket or sleeve is needed to build up the shank to tit into the drilling machine spindle. Sockets and sleeves may be obtained in a number of different sizes and hole shank taper combinations. Sockets, sleeves, and taper shank drills are mounted into the aligning slots of the spindle and lightly tapped with a soft hammer to seat in place.


    Drill drifts are flat, tapered keys with one rounded edge that are designed to fit into a spindle chuck's slot to force a tapered shank drill loose. The rounded top of the small end of the drill drift is designed to face upward while 


Figure  6-22. Drill holding devices.


    Work holding devices are used to hold the work steady for an accurate hole to be drilled, and so a safe drilling operation can be accomplished. Drilling support devices are used to keep the workpiece above the worktable or vise surface and to keep the workpiece aligned for drilling. Some devices are fairly simple and are used for drilling operations that do not require a perfect hole. Other devices are very intricate and designed for more accurate drilling. Many work holding devices are used with one another to produce the most stable work setup for drilling.

inserting the drift into the slot. There are two types of drill drifts, the standard type and the safety type (Figure 6-23). The standard drift must be inserted into the chuck's slot and then struck with a soft hammer to jar the taper shank drill loose. The drill will fall quickly if not held by the hand and could break or cause injury. The safety drill drift has a sliding hammer weight on the drift itself to allow for a free hand to stay constantly on the drill as it comes loose.


Figure 6-23. Drift drills

Figure 6-24. Work holding devices.


    A machine table vise is equipped with jaws which clamp against the workpiece, holding it secure. The vise can be bolted to the drilling table or the tail can be swung around to lay against the column to hold itself steady. Below are listed many types of special purpose machine table vises available to machine operators.

  • The standard machine table vise is the simplest of all vises. It is equipped with two precision ground jaws for holding onto the work and a lead screw to tighten the one movable jaw to the work (Figure 6-24).

  • The swivel vise is a machine vise that has an adjustable base that can swivel through 360° on a horizontal plane (Figure 6-24).

  • The angle vise is very similar to the table vise. except this vise can be tilted to 90°. to be perpendicular to the work table (Figure 6-24).

  • Many other vises are available. They include the compound vise. universal vise, magnetic vise, and contour vise.


These holding devices are built like stairs to allow for height adjustments in mounting drilling jobs and are used with strap clamps and long T-slot bolts (Figure 6-25).


    Clamps are small, portable vises or plates which bear against the workpiece and holding devices to steady the job. Clamps are made in numerous shapes to meet various work-holding needs. Common types of clamps are the C-clamp, the parallel clamp, the machine strap clamp, the bent-tail machine clamp, the U-clamp, and the finger machine clamp (Figure 6-25).

Figure 6-25 Work holding devices.


   V-blocks are precision made blocks with special slots made to anchor clamps that hold workplaces. The V-slot of the block is designed to hold round workplaces. The V-block and clamp set is usually used to hold and drill round stock.


    Angle plates are made in a 900 angle with slots and bolt holes for securing work to the table or to other work holding devices (Figure 6-25).


    Drill jigs are devices designed for production drilling jobs. The workplaces are clamped into the jig so that the holes will be drilled in the same location on each piece. The jig may guide the drill through a steel bushing to locate the holes accurately.


    These devices are important to keep the workpiece parallel while being supported above the worktable or vise surface and to keep the drill from cutting into the holding device or worktable. The following two devices are the most common used.

  • Blocks are used with clamps to aid in securing and supporting the work. These blocks are usually precision ground of hard steel for long life.

  • Parallels are precision ground rectangular bars are used to keep the workpiece parallel with the worktable when the workpiece must be raised above the worktable surface, such as when drilling completely through a workpiece (Figure 6-26). Parallels come in matched sets and can be solid or adjustable as needed.


    These specially made bolts have a T-shaped head that is designed to slide into the T-slots of the drilling machine's worktable. A heavy duty washer and nut are used with the T-bolt to secure the work.


Figure 6-26. Parallels being used to support a workpiece.


    Cutting fluids, lubricants, and coolants are used in drilling work to lubricate the chip being formed for easier removal, to help dissipate the high heat caused by friction, to wash away the chips, to improve the finish, and to permit greater cutting speeds for best efficiency. In drilling work, the cutting fluid can be sprayed, dripped, or machine pumped onto the work and cutting too! to cool the action and provide for maximum tool life. Drilling, reaming, and tapping of various materials can be improved by using the -proper cutting fluids (see Table 6-3 in Appendix A). Cutting fluids can be produced from animal, vegetable, or mineral oils. Some cutting fluids are very versatile and can be used for any operation, while other cutting fluids are specially designed for only one particular metal.

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